There are 4 different types of loop which we can use in verilog – the for loop, while loop, forever loop and repeat loop.
Forever loop
two different formats:
forever sentence;
forever begin
multiple sentences;
one of the most common use cases for the forever loop is generating a clock signal in a verilog test bench.
Repeat loop
We use the repeat loop to execute a given block of verilog code a fixed number of times. We specify the number of times the code block will execute in the repeat loop declaration.
two different formats:
repeat(expression) sentence;
repeat(expression) begin
multiple sentences;
example: Multiplier
parameter size = 8, longsize = 16;
reg[size:1] opa, opb;
reg[longsize:1] result;
reg[longsize:1] shift_opa, shift_opb;
shift_opa = opa;
shift_opb = opb;
result = 0;
result = result+shift_opa;
shift_opa = shift_opa <<1;
shift_opb = shift_opb >>1;
While loop
We can think of the while loop as an if statement that executes repeatedly. The specified condition is evaluated before each iteration of the loop.
two different formats:
while(expression) sentence;
while(expression) begin
multiple sentences;
example: use while loop to count 1 in the 8 -bit binary value
begin: count1s
reg[7:0] tempreg;
count = 0;
tempreg = rega;
if(tempreg[0]) count = count + 1;
tempreg = tempreg >> 1;
For loop
general form:
for(<initial_condition>; <stop_condition>; <increment>)
We use the <initial_condition> field to set the initial value of our loop variable. We must declare the variable that we use in our loop before we can use it in our code.
The <stop_condition> field is the conditional statement which determines how many times the loop runs. The for loop will continue to execute until this field evaluates as false.
We use the <increment> field to determine how the loop variable is updated in every iteration of the loop.
its basic functions
step1: calculate initial_condition
step2: calculate stop_condition, if it is true(no 0), then execute codes inside for loop. Then execute step 3. If the outcome of step 3 if false(0), then end loop and jump to step 5.
step3: if the stop_condition is true, after executing codes, calculate increment.
step4: return to step 2
step5: end for loop and continue running codes down below.
Example: using for loop to achieve Multiplier
//use for loop to initialize memory
begin: init_mem
reg[7:0] tempi;
//use for loop to achieve Multiplier
parameter size = 8, longsize = 16;
reg[size:1] opa,opb;
reg[longsize:1] result;
begin: mult
integer bindex;
result = 0;
for(bindex = 1;bindex <= size; bindex = bindex +1)
result = result + (opa<<(bindex-1));